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Table 1 Study inclusion–exclusion criteria

From: Tools for assessing health research partnership outcomes and impacts: a systematic review

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Include studies:

Exclude studies that:

 (1) Pertaining to, describing or involving a health research partnership (inclusive of studies reporting evaluative, process evaluative, technical assistance and facilitated implementation research activity or roles)

 (1) Do not meet the definition of a health research partnership

 (2) Involving the development, use and/or assessment of a health research partnership outcome or impact assessment tool (or element/property of a tool), as an aim of the study (inclusive of multi-tool or toolkit studies, and studies involving frameworks/models when accompanied by a tool)

 (2) Involve researcher–researcher or interprofessional (non-researcher inclusive) healthcare team partnerships

 (3) Reporting empirical evidence of the psychometric properties of tools (e.g. validity, reliability)

 (3) Do not involve the development, use and/or assessment of a health research partnership tool (or element/property of a tool), as an aim of the study

 (4) That are accessible and amenable to full-text review

 (4) Do not report empirical evidence of the psychometric properties of tools (e.g. validity, reliability)

 (5) Reporting primary research findings drawn from empirical evidence

 (5) Are not available or amenable to full-text review

 (6) Reporting relevant abstractable data

 (6) Report head-to-head tool comparisons without separately reporting tool-specific findings

 (7) Of any design type that meets eligibility criteria

 (7) Do not report primary research findings drawn from empirical evidence


 (8) Lack adequate or relevant abstractable data