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Table 1 Identified stakeholders and their functions of relevance for the de-implementation of LVC at a national level

From: National governance of de-implementation of low-value care: a qualitative study in Sweden



Number of informants

Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services

Assesses the evidence for methods of health and social care based on systematic literature reviews


National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW)

Provides soft law recommendations, e.g. develops national guidelines, based on the state of the evidence and professional expertise, to guide regional decision-makers and provider organizations in making priorities and organizing healthcare provision


Medical Products Agency

Makes direct decisions concerning medical products. Approves pharmaceuticals to access the Swedish market and provides evidence-based guidelines for the prescription and use of pharmaceuticals


Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency

Makes direct decisions concerning dental and pharmaceutical benefits. Conducts cost-efficiency analyses to determine whether a pharmaceutical product qualifies for government subsidies


Public Health Agency

Has a national responsibility to promote good public health and ensure that the population is protected against communicable diseases. Provides soft law recommendations concerning public health issues


Health and Social Care Inspectorate

Conducts supervision to ensure that health and social care is safe, of good quality and provided in compliance with laws and regulations


Swedish Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis

Is a freestanding analysis agency and makes recommendations on a system level. Analyses health and social care services from the perspective of patients and citizens and reviews the outcomes of governmental activities


Swedish eHealth Agency

Leads and coordinates government e-health activities, such as electronic prescriptions of pharmaceuticals, to enable better information-sharing within health and social care


Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)

SALAR is an organization that represents and advocates regional and municipal government. Its relevance for national-level governance of de-implementation of LVC is in its leading role in the nationally coordinated organization for regional knowledge governance that was formed in 2016 and is still under development. The so-called national collaboration for knowledge governance relies on regional representation and responsibility for several national programme organizations and leads the way in knowledge governance for different areas of professional expertise