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Table 1 Thematic areas of research on COVID-19 for prioritization

From: Public health research priorities for WHO on COVID-19 in the South-East Asia Region: results of a prioritization survey

Thematic area

Research that



Improves our ability to monitor and predict the epidemic and provides evidence to inform public health interventions

•Burden, risk factors

•Dynamics of disease transmission


Helps describe the full clinical spectrum of COVID-19 including its impact on other organs, and improves diagnosis, chemoprophylaxis and clinical management of patients

•Clinical characteristics and management

•Therapeutics and diagnostics

•Impact on mental, psychological health

Basic sciences

Improves our understanding of the disease process and aids product development (vaccines, diagnostics and drugs)

•Pathophysiology of disease


•Product development

Health system

Assists in identifying measures that improve access to the health system and ensures the safety of health workers, and also includes assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on health services or programmes and mitigation measures adopted

•Protection of healthcare workers and infection control in health settings

•Service provision including vaccine supply and distribution

•Primary healthcare

•Impact on other diseases and their control

Public health and social measures

Helps evaluate the usefulness of public health interventions in COVID-19 prevention

•Surveillance and contact tracing

•Non-pharmaceutical interventions

•Vaccination strategy

•Risk communication

•Evaluation of legislative approaches

Socioeconomic and equity-related

Helps us understand the impact of COVID-19 on social, economic and equity aspects to plan appropriate interventions

•Community-based approaches

•Equity and ethical aspects

•Economic impact

Pandemic preparedness

Enables us to strengthen systems to better respond to a “future” pandemic

•Human–animal interface and risk reduction

•International reporting/sharing of information

•Health system resilience