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Table 1 Different forms of community engagement for specific types of CHW roles [10]

From: Community health workers at the dawn of a new era: 9. CHWs’ relationships with the health system and communities

CHW role

Importance of community engagement

Ways the community can participate

Health promoter/health educator, including communication, counselling, and support to improve health and prevent disease

Behaviour change requires repeated, intensive contacts over a period of time, and is influenced by peer support and community norms

Participatory community or peer groups who witness visible change provide support and continuity for individual behaviour change

Healthcare provider, including treatment of common illnesses, referral to health facilities, and care and support to the chronically ill

Cultural perceptions of illness and treatment may affect prevention, treatment, and care

Social ties influence health outcomes [96]

Participation in quality improvement activities

Selection of specialized volunteer cadres who are patient advocates or who support referrals made by CHW

Agent of change, including support for community mobilization, empowerment, and human rights

Community buy-in and action are required to address some of the structural influences on health (e.g., power dynamics, poverty, and discrimination)

Engagement in the problem-posing and problem-solving process at community meetings can lead to collective action to change community circumstances

Health manager/enumerator, including vital event and other reporting

Communities may not want to provide vital events information to government officials, but they may be willing to provide this information to a trusted CHW

Visible community health information boards

Discussion of changes in health situation at community meetings